Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Workplace Violence And Health Care - 1641 Words
Workplace Violence in Health Care Morgan L. Hofmeister Baker University School of Nursing Abstract This research paper discusses workplace violence, specifically the nursing population. Using results from previous research conducted, negative factors impacting a nurse and solutions to this issue are explored. There is a lack of reporting causing this issue of workplace violence to be difficult to determine interventions and bring about public awareness. Looking at the historical background of workplace violence in health care settings, researching the emotional and physical effects on nurses, discovering the effects on work competency, and uncovering the facts on federal legislation of this issue warrants the importance†¦show more content†¦Besides using governmental data and statistics to compile information regarding workplace violence in health care settings, voluntary surveys are taken (Stokowski, 2010). These surveys and reports of violence are usually unreliable due to the nurse’s lack of ability to remember the incident, fear of affecting patient satisfacti on scores, uneducated on the reporting policy, or concern for questioned competency (Stokowski, 2010). It is said that seventy percent of physical abuse towards nurses are unreported and many nurses never seek treatment (Stokowski, 2010). The hesitancy to report is sensible when incidents reported reviewed are often questioned by the nurse’s actions and solutions are addressed to prevent another occurrence (Stokowski, 2010). These approaches administered by health care facilities imply that the nurse is at fault. Sadly, nurses are often reprimanded or fired defending themselves against violence (Stokowski, 2010). Physical Impact An Emergency Nurses Association study found that, â€Å"every week between eight to thirteen percent of emergency department nurses are victims of physical violence†(Trossman, p. 6, 2010). The physical repercussions of violence can include a physical injury, anger, chronic pain, loss of sleep, disability, muscle tension, anxiety, irritability, and nightmares (Gates,Show MoreRelatedViolence Against Student Nurses and Newly Registered Nurses1070 Words  | 5 PagesViolence against student nurses and newly registered nurses Abstract Workplace violence toward student nurses and newly registered nurses must be eliminated. Nursing students and new nurses are particularly vulnerable to acts of violence. This article discusses the status of the workplace violence of nurses, the effects of violence on students and new nurses, and some strategies can be used to reduce the workplace violence to nurses. Keywords: student nurses, newly registered nurses, workplaceRead MoreHaley Mccullian, Human Resources Consultant, At Mercy Fitzgerald839 Words  | 4 Pagesproblems in the nursing field involving workplace violence in the emergency room. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
The Importance Of A Healthy Lifestyle On Good Nutrition,...
CHAPTER 3 When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot become manifest, strength cannot be exerted, wealth is useless, and reason is powerless. –Herophiles 300 B.C. Growing up I had generally experienced good health. Sure I had my share of runny noses, upset stomachs and scraped knees but I was usually energetic, athletic, creative and optimistic about life. Health, fitness and well-being were important to my family. I came to value the importance of a healthy lifestyle: good nutrition, proper sleep, exercise and sportsmanship. Education was equally emphasized, â€Å"a sound mind in a sound body,†my grandfather repeatedly told my sister and me. My grandfather, Pop-Pop, was a gregarious, tall and handsome man with a gleam in his eye who greatly valued education. I listened carefully to the conversations at the weekly Sunday night dinner table when we visited my grandparents because I always learned something new. Even though the prevailing rule was â€Å"children are seen but not heard,†Pop-Pop always welcomed my questions about economics, politics, history, human nature, art and literature. In fact, he encouraged them. He was the smartest and wisest person I knew. I have never forgotten what my grandfather wrote in my autograph book when I was in second grade, â€Å"Good, better, best, never let it rest, until your good is your better and your better is your best.†I had been a good student, curious about everything and I always wanted to better myself. There was noShow MoreRelatedImportance of Physical Education in Schools2064 Words  | 9 Pages Importance of Physical Education in Schools SPO3001 Learn to Swim Table of Contents Page Introduction 3 Definition of Physical Education 3 What is taught in Physical Education? 4 Importance of Physical Education 5 The Importance of Physical Education as it relates to Swimming 7 Disadvantages of lack of Physical Education 9 Conclusion 10 References 11 Introduction Physical education plays a vital roleRead MoreHealth Of Health And Wellness1839 Words  | 8 Pageswellness and its importance. So I learned in this health class is about eating healthy and eating nutrition food like chicken and white rice great organic food ect .For example Heath and wellness are key components in my life. To me, so I m talk about me first then my family and so no health issues such as, illness, sickness or injury. Wellness is a synonym of health, however I would define it as living a happy, healthy lifestyle with little or no health issues. I feel the importance of health shouldRead MorePre, During And Post Competition Meals For Athletes3585 Words  | 15 Pagesbody to function at the highest potential. With the aim of keeping their bodies constantly healthy as well as themselves at an optimal shape for their sporting performances, they will ultimately wan to achieve two important things through their diet: a healthy nutrition and the maximum body energy. With a considerate attention and a keen commitment channeled on the field work coupled with a proper nutrition at the training table, any desired outcome can easily be acquired. For this reason, mostRead MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words  | 99 PagesTrue purpose of sports nowadays b. Sports and Media 8. Foreign Aid a. How effective is Foreign Aid? 9. Migration a. Is migration/having foreigners good? 10. Subjects a. Literature b. History c. Mathematics d. Universal language 11. Businesses a. Business morality b. Charities as businesses 12. Democracy a. Good vs. Bad 13. Social Issues (only stats provided) a. Gender b. Family c. Equality 14. Governance a. World Governance 15. Others a. CooperationRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words  | 1422 Pagesis currently working on a book in applied mathematical statistics. He is the recipient of a distinguished teaching award from Cal Poly and is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, cooking and eating good food, tennis, and travel to faraway places. He is especially proud of his wife, Carol, a retired elementary school teacher, his daughter Allison, who works for the Center for Women and Excellence in Boston, and his daughter Teri, who is ï ¬ nishing a
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Whirligig free essay sample
Jenny feels helpless as someone that she loves and close to is dying C] her grandmother. When the old woman tells Jenny to give her a ride around town, Jenny decides to help her because her mom wasnt there, and she somehow desperately needed to see this place. So Jenny and her grandmother get into the car, and drive around the town. Her grandmother tells her to go places that dont even make any sense, like a birch tree, and an old run down house. This old house was Earaches, her long dead sister.Jenny is confused at first about her grandmothers directions, and she is frustrated at not knowing what is going on in grandmothers mind. At the last stop, which was a spinning whirligig on an old, run down hostel, is when Jenny finally understands the Journey. Her grandmother explained that she wanted to see all these special things in her life, before she died. We will write a custom essay sample on Whirligig or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The whirligig gave her and Jenny a message that not everyone is evil, and when people died in the Holocaust, they would have wanted the people that learned of them to spread Joy and happiness, Instead of revving over their losses.She describes how the person who made the wind toy was of good spirit and intentions, and that life Is Just too precious to waste. When Jennys grandmother first asked Jenny to drive her to some place, Jenny wasnt all that up for It. She didnt understand what her grandmother was aiming for, and what she wanted. At first, Jenny agreed to do It because her grandmother seemed so anxious to go, and her mother wasnt there to drive her around. But by the end of the Journey, she finally understood why her grandmother told her to drive o these places, and realized that her grandmother knew her time was to come.A major theme of this chapter was that life Is precious, and even though there has been suffering, Joy and happiness should still take place, Instead of endless grieving and mourning over the losses. Jennys grandmother talks about this when they visit the whirligig, and how everyone still has a good Intention. I believe that after Jennys grandmother has passed on, Jenny will remember her grandmothers spiritual words, and spread peace and Joyfulness Into the world.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Verbal Learning Process
Verbal learning is the use of words or the process of speaking to express ones ideas or thoughts. It also entails learner’s acquiring and retaining ability of verbal information.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Verbal Learning Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In other words, verbal learning is said to be memorization due to day-to-day demands on use of acquired verbal information. According to Tulving and Madigan, the learning has proved to be one of most efficient ways of passing information to the learners and a better way by which learners comprehend information (1970). A student who engages verbal learning incorporates vocal words to bring out concepts; hence, it is a procedure of transforming information from short-term to long-term memory. The concept of how human beings are able to retrieve and use verbal information is complex and is greatly influenced by how these learners are abl e to memorize the same information. For example, one is able to write the alphabetical letters backwards after memorizing and learning how to pair the sequence of all the alphabetical letters verbally. The process therefore means that one is in a position to require repeating information verbally during the paring sequence. Hearing the alphabet sequence therefore assists in remembering the letters and eventually one is even able to write them down in reverse. In line with Tulving and Madigan, association, as one of the major concept in verbal learning is brought out during the learning process (1970). In most cases, a student of verbal learning will associate a stimulus to a response. A good example is when a person you meet for the first time tells you his/her name. The next instance you meet the same person (a stimulus), the mind is triggered and thus recalls the sound of that person’s name (a response). This shows that the mind can memorize sound and then associate the sou nds to objects or activities in future to give response.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The other concept of verbal learning involves comprehension, which often occurs faster and easily, unlike in sign language learning where once requires to know the sign language in the first place. From the above explanations, verbal acquisition of knowledge is not extensively caused by conscious regulations or rigid form of knowledge attainment like most people believes it to be. The process is an enduring form of learning where proficiency and fluency emerges later on particularly during specialization. Verbal knowledge acquisition also involves good listening skills. A learner should thus be keen enough and patient to ensure proper input of the attempts and thus avoid learning anxiety. In verbal learning, the ability to recognize improvement is only achievable through comprehension of input. Interaction is thus a vital aspect of acquiring the knowledge since the learner’s input is the contribution provided through interactive participation, while output is the comprehension ability especially use of the language. Personal interpretation is also a key factor of effective verbal communication. Modern verbal learning calls for real-time acquisition of skills since the communication practice is the key aspect as opposed to the normal form of classroom learning, where the leant knowledge concerns specified study topics (Tulving and Madigan, 1970). Verbal learning consequently takes various unique styles such as ability to influence fluency of rapport-building skills. The learning provides need to notice and generate functions that can evoke the conscious reaction of the mind. Lastly, there is need for engaging meta-lingual abilities, which involves the capacity to take in hand deep thoughts as a measure of improving the learning skills enjoyably. Accuracy in th e accusation therefore depends on comfort and individual’s passion to acquire the new skills. Verbal learning is however advantageous since it provides learner the opportunity to tryout the skills immediately.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Verbal Learning Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Reference Tulving, E., Madigan, S. A. (1970). Memory and Verbal Learning. Canada: University of Toronto Retrieved from This research paper on Verbal Learning Process was written and submitted by user Alvin Norman to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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