Sunday, January 26, 2020
The definition of children with PMLD
The definition of children with PMLD Children with profound multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) experience barriers to communication and interaction which prevent them having the full opportunity to an appropriate education. It is essential to remember that as they share the same general aims as other children in school'(Ref), that is, they need to progress to the best of their ability. In Saudi Arabia there are very few centers that provide a successful curriculum for children with PMLD (Rectory Paddock School, 1981)Be careful this looks as if Rectory Paddock school is expressing a view about education in Saudi Arabia and it didnt.). Moreover, all/some/many teachers are inexperienced and lack the ability to develop the full potential of children with PMLD. This confirms that I need to establish a greater knowledge of services in the UK and identify the positive aspects. In the past, PMLD in the UK received only rehabilitation programs that included providing basic necessities such as medical treatment and food. Rece ntly, this practice has changed to providing a successful curriculum that focuses on the needs and abilities of the individuals (Lacey Ouvry, 1998). This essay will therefore provide suggestions on how to achieve a successful curriculum for children with PMLD, helping to understand the wider concepts involved and how these children can eventually reach sufficient independence by identifying their individual needs. This essay will present the definition of children with PMLD, followed by the childrens primary needs including their physical, sensory and communication needs. It will then go on to look at the way of organize the classroom and then it is going to explain some of the teaching approach. The definition of children with PMLD Complicated terminology is used to refer to children who have the greatest difficulties with learning e.g. PMLD, severe learning disabilities (SLD), profound learning disabilities (PLD) and severe disabilities. To understand how to educate the children, it is necessary to address more than one of the associated issues which are related with ill defined terms, variables and unstable definitions. The official terms used for dealing with PMLD may be different in various countries. In America the term severe is used for individuals with an IQ of 20/25 to 35/40 and moderate for those with IQ 35/40 to 50/55. In contrast, United Kingdom refers to children with IQ below 50 as having SLD (Porter, 2009). In Saudi Arabia multiple disabilities is a common term used to refer to presence of more than one disability in a child which leads to severe educational problems which includes multiple intellectual disorder, multi-sensory disabilities, multiplicity of disability associated with severe behavioral disorders and severe disabilities (General Directorate of Special education , 2001) ). The term learning disabilities used in the UK should not be confused with terms used in other countries where they have the same meaning as mental retardation or intellectual disabilities. UK calls problems such as dyslexia specific learning difficulties or specific learning disabilities (Rennie, 2007). Another problem which arises is that many believe that SLD and PMLD are synonymous terms. There is a lack of differentiation between profound learning disabilities and multiple disabilities as the two terms have similar needs and come under the same heading of Severe Learning Disabilities (Evans and Ware 1987). Some writers, such as (Aird, 2001) continue dealing with these two terms as synonymous. On the other hand, Swift(2005) defines the two terms differently. He says that SLD refers to children who have emotional needs, some students may use signs and symbols to support their communication and/or sensory impairments in addition general cognitive difficulties and mobility difficulty. On the other hand, PMLD regards to children who present physical disabilities, sensory impairment or severe medical condition. Although there are similarities in the definitions, it is preferred to use PMLD as it is widely accepted in Britain (Ware, 2009). Furthermore, some children with profound learn ing disabilities are described as PMLD whereas there are few people with profound learning disabilities who have no other severe impairments (Ware Healey,1994). To become more aware of this group of children, it is necessary to identify their characteristics. Children with PMLD have profound intellectual impairment and other multiple disabilities including sensory, physical or autism (Lacy Ouvry 1998. To illustrate that, I will use the example of Rett Autism Syndrome displaying an inability to performer motor functional actions including eye gaze and speech and slowed brain function (Pierangelo Giuliani, 2008). However, they are described as not a homogenous group (SCAA, 1996). In my professional practice, I have dealt with children who had severe physical or visual disabilities but did not necessarily have profound learning disabilities and some who had profound learning disabilities with good motor ability, learning, motor and sensory skills and thus needs differed from child to child. Another approach to a definition suggests that children with PMLD are in the first four stages of Piagets Sensory motor development (What is this_ (Clark, 1991). However, from my experience the pre-process stage, which says that the child in this stage can combining attributes samples of common objects and classifying them. Children with PMLD may have the ability to recognize visual word (MAKTON) system and classify the thing that he/she wants to do as an activity. In relation to PMLD symptoms children may have behavior disorders which are challenging for teachers (SCAA, 1996). The association between behavior and physical disability may or may not be a casual one. For example, disability may lead to depression which further increases the level of disability (Marten, 1980). From my experience, behavior is not only influenced by genetic and neurological factors but is due to the negative interaction and relationships between the child and the society. Another approach to categories concentrates on the IQ in classified the person with PMLD whose has IQ level below 20. Recently the World Health Organization adapted a more social model of disability which classify on the individual strength and the social barriers that may compound a disability. Internationally three criteria are regarded as requiring to be met before learning disabilities can be identified: intellectual impairment, social dysfunction and early onset (The World Health Organization WHO, 2001(. On the other hand people with PMLD function equal to or less than one fifth of their chronological age (Sebba, 1988). This is a rather old referenceSome prefer to down play IQ on terms of the students curricular needs; they call someone with severe learning difficulties if he/she attends an SLD or school. It can also consider what happens to children when they leave school, or we may distinguish pupils with moderate and severe learning difficulties by reflecting on the age at wh ich their problems were first identified (Farrell, 1997). (Quite a lot of this section uses some dated material is this because you can see similarities between those debates and the ones now happening in your country.) Criteria for placing pupils into categories have changed over the time. Children who may have had PMLD in the past may be now regarded as having multiple disabilities but not PLD (Ouvry Saunders, 2001). This last consideration is of enormous importance when considering learning with PMLD: children with PMLD are now classified to be more intellectually able. The current percentage of children with PMLD has increased as a result of high level of health care provided (Lacey Ouvry, 1998) where the number of adults with PMLD will raise from 78 in 2009 to 105 in 2026, as in average 3 in 2009 to 5 in 2026 (centre for Disabilities Research CeDR, 2009). The definition has changed over time linked with the changing of the education system from segregation to inclusion. I will illustrate this by references to curriculum access. Around 1971, children with the most profound disabilities in the UK were excluded from education, cared for in wards as they were considered unable to follow the standard curriculum (Clark, 1991; Lacy Ouvry, 1998). However, after this point, some children who attended schools for pupils with LD also had severe physical disabilities require specialized facilities but which would possible to provide in Educational Sub Normal ESN(S) classes (Rectory Paddock School, 1981)., Historically some writers assume that Special Care Units (SCUs) remain the only setting specifically able to provided for children with PLD and additional disabilities in schools catering for severe learning disabilities (Evans Ware, 1987) In contrast, terms special care is not acceptable as the provision provide for PMLD are varied (Sebba, 19 88). In the UK, the curriculum needs have given more attention to other educational aspects (Cline Frederickson, 2009). Children with PMLD may work with P1-P4 in the national curriculum where P scales provide small, achievable steps to monitor progress (Swift, 2005). Some children may even work at P levels 1-3 for the majority or all of their school life (Ware, 2009). It is hard to reach a clear definition which would be used to describe a group of children who share common characteristics with other categories. However, in my view, supported by this evidence, a child with PMLD has multi-disabilities: learning disability and other disabilities. The most important aspect in planning education is to focus on the childrens requirements and needs no matter how this group of learners is defined.. Children with PMLD primary needs which affect their ability to learn Children with multiple disabilities face many problems which challenge adults who work with them. A careful analysis to their needs is required to understand exactly what is preventing progress (Stone, 1995). There is a wide spectrum of special educational needs that are frequently inter-related. They may fall into at least one of four areas: communication and interaction, cognition and learning, behavior, emotional and social development and sensory and/or physical (The Code of Practice, 2001). Physical needs: There is some physical impairment that can be diagnosed from birth: cerebral palsy, spin bifida, congenital abnormalities of the skeleton and other rare neuromuscular diseases (Hogg Sebba, 1986a). PMLD has a lack of independent, muscle spasm, abnormal reflex activity, inability to control bladder or bowels and congenital abnormalities of skeleton which make people feel uncomfortable and cause other problems (Clark, 1991; Hogg Sebba 1986). Physical impairment affects other parts of the childs life: being unable to move well may be at risk of developing distortions of body shape over a period of time (Rennie, 2007; Fulford Brown, 1976). The teacher needs to understand these problems and focus on basic physical therapy in a curriculum plan (Clark, 1991), with a holistic approach (Rennie, 2007) and lifelong commitment which influences the majority of the individuals time at school and home rather than an ineffective ritual (Lacy Ouvry, 1998). Yet this as I believe does not necessarily mean therapy used in traditional ways. Many creative methods a physiotherapist can use in cooperation with the teacher in the classroom in childrens mobility curriculum and teaching methods. Traditional ways should not be taught in the same order (Stone, 1995)What do you mean?. I would suggest using things from everyday environment would be more suitable for physical therapy, merging skills training for recognizing colour and rolling to tr ain muscles by placing the child on a mat between a green and a red ball and asking them to move in the direction of either ball. This way the child learns colour recognition, exercises and s the game. Children learn more quickly if they enjoy themselves. As a child with PMLD spends most of his time at home, therapy can be successful when the parents have major roles in planning and implementing (Lacy Ouvry, 1998). The best way is to raise parents awareness and to make fully participate in the therapy which lead to greater improvement in the child. Sensory needs Children with PMLD often experience sensory problems. There are a number of different needs arising from sensory impairment, one arising directly from the impairment such as visual or auditory impairment (Lacey Ouvey, 1998) which have adverse effects on linguistic development, behaviour, and emotional adjustment, socially isolated and the general quality of a persons life (Clark, 1991; Ellis, 1992). Other problems are often environmental. Parents and teachers can lose interest in interacting meaningfully with their child who does not provide cues or rewards in the form of a smile. From my experience, children with PMLD are often ignored by their peers and teachers who interact with children who communicate more. Hearing impairment and learning disabilities are not clearly separated (Kropka Williams, 1986) and cannot be underestimated as the hearing impairment is not as obvious to an observer as some other impairments (Sebba,1988). In this matter it is primary aim of managing sensory impairments is to try to allow children to have access to the same quality of life and experiences by using whatever hearing and sight they have to the best of their ability or by helping them to make use of their other senses such as touch and smell (Sebba, 1988). Communication needs When I was in the early phases of my training, I remember there was a teacher who sang to a child with PMLD. I wondered why this teacher was choosing to do so when the child could not hear. The child smiled and laughed at the teacher and reacted positively in her presence. It became clear to me that the child needed to have interaction and could communicate in a specific way as he could interpret some sensory information. If communication fails, then other social activities go away as well. Children with profound learning disabilities show massive delays in communication, which makes it hard to communicate, convey ideas and experiences with other people. (Hogg Sebba, 1986) Despite that in fact every child is a unique case, speech is not the only means of communication (Hogg Sebba 1986). Some children who are described as not having the ability to traditionally communicate are able to show preferences when they are given a choice (Glenn? OBrien 1994). This is confirmed by my experience which shows that these children have a lot of stored energy which just needs continuous attention and time to be displayed or disabilities are likely to deteriorate. The code of practice mentions that most children with special educational needs have strengths and difficulties in one, some, or all of the areas of communication. Children will need to continue developing their linguistic competences (Code of Practice, 2 001). With the knowledge that there is no cure(This takes us right into the medical model is that your intention> for these needs, there are many ways to help these children get the best possible outcome for growth and development, to perform any tasks that are necessary in their daily lives to remaining integration in society. Thus we need to build an appropriate program for children with PMLD on an individual basis to meet individual needs, where in the last ten years there has been a big change in the ways of dealing with children with PMLD and schools are now receiving children who have several needs (Lacy Ouvry, 1998). Teaching and learning is complex. Within this discussion, little attention will be given to curriculum content for two reasons. First, the lack of compatibility between the curriculum in Saudi Arabia and England. Second, because for this group of learners focus on effectiveteaching and learning including accede to several different teaching methods is of prome concern. Even if there are good teaching practices put in place, they will not work if the environment is not suitable for learning (Sebba, 1988). Therefore it will focus on how to organize the learning environment where children should be more familiar with the classroom, and anticipate the activities (Ouvry Saunders, 2001). You have introduced t/l first and then the envornment. Is it logical to write the sections in the same order or to re-order these comments? How to organize the learning environment Children will need to overcome classroom obstacles before they are able to start to learn, this can be handled by the establishment of an appropriate learning environment .There are numerous necessary measures to build and maintain an appropriate environment for children with PMLD it is vital that this environment is well organized to suit their needs. Regardless of whether children with PMLD are educated in a specialist environment or in mainstream school, (Ware, 1994) suggests three core principles in the organization of a classroom: the organization of time, people and material in an environment which can all overlap. The physical environment organization The physical environment plays a role in raising childrens motivation to work. Teachers should define each area of classroom and ensure that the environment is not distracting to help the child to learn easily (Byers, 1998) for example, the work area should not include visual distraction which can confuse and have a negative effect on the learning process (Porter, 2002). In addition the size of the room must be considered, if the room is too large or open this can distraction the child (Nind et al, 2001). From my experience I remember that also the small room encourages unsuitable behaviour, teachers was putting the pupils standers behind the door because the room was very smallwhich can make movement in and out of the room difficult; this subsequently upsets the children and made him react in an unsuitable manner. Another matter is organizing the classroom based on the childs needs. For example, it is often a good idea to place children with the most profound physical needs in easily accessible points in the classroom so they can move more freely (Algozzine Ysseldyke, 2006). For children with visual impairments, strip lighting is unsuitable as it does not provide good distinction between different objects, and so spot lighting, colored bulbs or dark areas should be used to show different areas as well as different textures. Furthermore, I have found that it is beneficial for children with PMLD to have a designated seat in the classroom as this promotes confidence and a sense of familiarity (Nind et, al 2001). But which position are the best for seating. A study found that children who functioned at a lower level worked well in a prone position (Park et al, 2005). Other study suggests that position is not simply a matter of optimizing attention, but the impact on other functions, such as hand use and spinal extension (McEwen, 2002). The position of the teacher and the other staff is significant. They should be able to assess the child and their emotions, so that they can help the child sufficiently. If they are behind the child or to the side, they may not be able to see the Children may need help with their medication if they have to take it through the school day (Algozzine Ysseldyke, 2006). The social environment organization Knowledge of the child is very important in the social environment organization, knowing what they like, dislike, how they interact and communicate; education should happen co-actively (Cartwright Wind-cowie, 2005). Teacher also should not become dominant in the relationship; rather, they should help the child learn in their specific way. There are three main models for the teacher/pupil relationship: the teacher dominating, the pupil dominating or a two way dialogue. The third is the hardest, but if successful, the best (Lacy Ouvry, 1998). The final model requires very strict planning and organization in order that it works well. Rewards are also positive in order to build a good social environment. The teacher should understand that some children with PMLD will find standard encouragement techniques, such as cheering, very discouraging and distracting. Therefore, the teacher should observe signals from the child to discern what they like and do not like (Sebba, 1988). Another matter which is very important in the social aspect is that teachers should understand how the child would react to failure, in this way they can prepare for it. (Corker, 1992) suggests that children should be encouraged to see failure not as a result of inability but because of lack of effort or dedication. In this way, they are empowered to change it and succeed in the future. The time organization The most difficult balance to maintain is how to organize time inside the classroom with regards to the curriculum and the ways of teaching. There should be an appropriate division of time between national curriculum, non-national curriculum based activities and therapy (Ware, 1994). I remember from my experience that children have their own schedule divided between the child needs. Expand Another matter, which is widely discussed, is the way of teaching children. Which way of teaching a child with PMLD is more beneficial? Children with PMLD would benefit from being taught in a group. If the children with PMLD are placed together they may become more perceptive and have a greater interest in what they are doing (Hogg Sebba, 1986). Although group work can be effective, in reality can be deceptive. A child who appears to be working in a group may in fact actually be working alone (Bennet Cass, 1988). Some specialists infer that in teaching children with PMLD, there should be group work involved and also individual work this is seen as the most beneficial practice (Ware, 1994). From my experiences whilst the teacher worked with the class as a whole, the teaching assistant would remove a child from the group in order to provide individual focus to that child. This enables effective and beneficial learning for the children as it advantageous for the childs learning to hav e individual attention. The grouping learning a raises the question of how much time should the teacher spend with an individual child compared to how much time spent with the entire class. I think group work is imperative and therefore time should be devoted to this, particularly because children should be encouraged to develop awareness of their peers, this is realized through group work (Cartwright Wind-Cowie, 2005). However, I realize from my experience the specific method influences the way of teaching; whether individually or in a group. (Ware, 1994) mention some examples for effective grouping are suggested, Scripted or Jigsawing which are used with heterogeneous group without losing the benefits of individual work. In addition, there are also issues about whether the same activities should take place at the same time each day or not. There should be a clear routine established and a consistent timetable, especially at the beginning of the day with registration; so that the child knows what is happening and so therefore is not anxious (Corker, 1992 ; Ware, 1994). However, this can sometimes be problematic because it must be accepted that some activities will take longer for children with PMLD to carry out, in these cases certain allowances must be made. (Orelove et al, 2001). There are other issues related to the timetable of the childrens learning, there is no evidence that children will learn best in the morning. There is evidence that children with PMLD may be best taught if they have therapy in the morning so that they are calm for the other activities. Moreover, there is the issue of medicinal side effects and how this can cause problems with learning (Ware, 1994). All this must be taken into account when time planning to keep the attention focused and to help the child to learn. Teaching approaches The special education literature now focuses more on the teaching methods than the curriculum content. I will mention some of the teaching methods which are used. Task analysis in which a task is broken down into manageable pieces with clear objectives, making it easier for the child to learn (Sebba, 1988). Errorless learning, an exercise in which examples are given to the children yet only require only one possible solution, thus increasing the opportunity of reward for the child. Do you agree with errorless learningRecording, where all the practices are planned and recalled so they are then assessed (Hogg Sebba, 1986). Next is the use of ICT to help with communication and with social interaction. Also to aid choice making as it will help with life skills and requires a lot of concentration (Ware, 2009). Using pictures to communicate choice and show correlation between different pictures and objects has often been effective with the use of commands (Porter Ashdown, 2002). There ar e also three main types of holistic approach: conductive education, patterning and coactive intervention (Hogg Sebba, 1986). Acoustic bells can be used to create an intense sound environment to encourage learning and concentration (Mednick, 2007). It is now necessary to evaluate two teaching approaches, intensive interaction and multisensory approach. Because these two methods focus on the children with PMLD which I mention them previously. I will be used as illustrative examples to examine the techniques that can be employed to optimize the learning experience for the child with PMLD. Intensive interaction Teaching children with PMLD is often focused on communication (Ware, 2009) which is fundamental and makes child learn about themselves and others (Hewett Nind, 1998). However, sometimes children with PMLD are taught a way of communication which they cannot understand or which may be limited and therefore unsatisfactory. In my experience, teaching that solely focuses on the core curriculum was only effective for a number of children, leaving others unresponsive to the teacher. During the activity the teacher would help the child physically whilst using different way of communicating, for instance by photo cards, however this may not be beneficial every time. From my reading I have established that these children were entitled to communicate in their own way; they should not have to be taught a standardized way of communication, at least in the initial stages. By using our body language and gaining feedback by watching others reactions (Caldwell, 2008) this makes communication easier as the child will understand that the teacher can understand their emotions. The standard ways of Intensive interaction refers to when the adult working one to one to with the child to mimics any communication behaviour of the learner of by using the childs own method (Watson, 1994) to makes teaching and learning easier (Hewett Nind, 1998), and to develop sociability, communication, cognitive abilities, emotional well-being, constructive interaction with immediate environment and self awareness (Nind Hewett ,1994). I think this is practical and reality, if we see how the mother contact and communicate with her child, we dont compare between children with PMLD with the infant, What I want to highlight, is how the baby feel happy with his/her mother imitations and his reaction and how he continue in communication. The Strategies: There are two studies which say that intensive interaction is a very good way of developing communication and social skills. It must be employed systematically and used efficiently in order for it to be effective (Watson Fisher, 1997; Kellett, 2003). The focus must be on the quality of the interaction sociability and communication and not the outcome (Hewett Nind, 1998). Records must be kept of all interaction so that any changes, even if minute, can be remembered. It is often difficult to do this without records as the changes can be very small (Irvine, 1998). There must be a limiting of numbers of staff and volunteers so that there is routine and the people can all be fully trained to their abilities (Ware, 1996). Intensity, sensitivity and reflection are key in implementing this method. The method encourages awareness of those around the learner, and ignores ideas about tasks and correct or incorrect ideas, and so puts the precedence on the learning process. (Hewett Nind, 1998). Intensive interaction should be used within a group environment to make it more standard and to ensure that abuse allegations do not occur (Nind Hewett, 1994). The process of intensive interaction is included in this. An advantage to adopting this approach is its simplicity; it does not require materials and therefore can be used in the home. What makes this approach more significant is that it can be used easily at home (Irvine, 1998). There are some problems encountered in this methods, the abilities to make a response is sometimes weak. The adult may be tired or the child may anxious (Kellett Nind, 2008) the child may want to continue to interact when no one is available (Irvine, 1998) so it is necessary for the adults to learn to tolerate a delay (Maggs Samuel 1998). Another problematic issue is that Intensive interaction works for some people but not all. So although there are some overriding principles for using intensive interaction, the approach must be changeable and flexible so that the child can achieve the most possible. (Kellett Nind, 2008). However, for those it does work for, it is still very difficult to prove that intensive interaction is the only cause for improvement (Irvine, 1998). The multisensory approach Some children, who have sensory ability such as sight, may not understand how to use it or how to interpret what they see. Thus teachers should help children to use all the senses to enable good learning. One of the ways of the using multisensory approach is the sensory room. This can be described as a reactive environment (Mednick, 2007). There are two ways to define the sensory room or snoezelen () : the actual space and the impact on the child. The space can be characterized by the physical attributes, size and complexity, size of the room is very important so the child does not feel overwhelmed by the space or out of control. The same is for ideas about complexity; there should not be a sensory overload. There is no set list of things which are including in a sensory space, which can include simple materials or complex interactive electronic equipment (Stephenson, 2002). Other physical aspect are the different type of sensory room, there are six primary kinds of rooms: white room, dark room, sound room, interactive room, water room, soft play rooms finally there are outdoor spaces in the gardens each room have aims and goals (Pagliano, 1999). Although the only limitations on these spaces is imagination, the childs likes and dislikes are the primary influence as some might not like a white room but may love a water experience. If the child can exert control over their environment, they will develop control and autonomy and greater self confidence (Stephenson, 2002). The other aspect of the definition is the impact on the childs ability, which includes good communication, movement, cognitive ability, emotions, behavioral changes, life skills and good expressive arts (Longhorn, 1988). This makes it one of the most effective methods to teach a child with PMLD because it makes learning easier (Fowler, 2008) and fun for
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Caribbean Studies Notes
As a developing region there are many challenges that we face as a people, be it political or socio-economical. Caribbean studies is a subject offered with the aim of allowing students to better understand the challenges we, as Caribbean people, face in our pursuit of development. The Caribbean is also well known for its rich and diverse cultural practices, and so a student who studies the subject would grow a deeper appreciation for one of the things that defines us most. Our history, of utmost importance in shaping the people we are today, would also be studied in detail. Our resilience as Caribbean people since slavery would show how much we have developed and its importance in the society we make up today. Thus, we would recognize our role in society, not as being just trivial, but as the forces that drive all aspects of life. And thus the importance of preserving our heritage as Caribbean people would be clarified and reinforced. Caribbean Studies would also be a pillar in fostering our youths’ development as they enter into the field of work. The subject serves as a means of equipping young entrepreneurs with the necessary skills needed to make a dollar in these trying economic times. The proper decision making attributes would be instilled in any individual that takes the course. Climate change and global warming, probably two of the most controversial and influential topics, along with other global issues, would also be addressed in Caribbean Studies. Topics such and Hurricanes and earthquakes, keeping in mind the Caribbean’s geographical location, would also equip individuals with the knowledge needed to survive natural disasters. Because we, the youths, are the future, we would also ensure that the devastation created by future disasters are minimized. Caribbean Studies in itself would supply the tools needed to take the Caribbean forward, not only the larger islands but the smaller islands as well. And so it is quite clear that Caribbean Studies is very important, so important that the TAMCC has made it compulsory in any student’s tenure at the institution. The importance of where we originated from and the challenges we face can and should never be underestimated, as it would define our future. And thus because of the aforementioned reasons Caribbean studies is very important. The Caribbean is a region consisting of the Caribbean sea, its islands (most of which enclose the sea) and the surrounding coasts. The region is located southeast of the Gulf of Mexico and North America, east of Central America and to north of South America. Caribbean studies is a course of study in which students will be able to define and locate the Caribbean. They will be able to identify, describe and understand characteristics of the Caribbean society and culture. Students will also be able to assess the impact of historical processes in the region, how societal institutions impact their lives, analyze how the global community and the Caribbean society influence each other. They will be able to analyze the level of development in the Caribbean and how development influences political, economical, social, cultural, environmental and technological features in the Caribbean. When students take this course they will be better able to understand the factors which influence the evolution of Caribbean society and culture, they will be able to analyze issues which are important to the development of the Caribbean region, while developing respect for other cultures and their contributions to the region’s development. Students will also build an awareness of current global issues and how they influence the Caribbean and how the Caribbean affects these global issues.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Cosi Dramatic Elements Analysis Essay
La Boit Theatre’s showcase of Cosi written by Louis Nowra and directed by David Berthold is an emotional play, talking of Love and fidelity. Self’s perception of other people; whether or not love is a strong enough reason to trust one another. Two excerpts centred on different themes will be analysed. This analysis will bring to light certain dramatic elements and viewpoints of time, body and space that Berthold has used to enhance the dramatic meaning of this production. Cosi is set in Melbourne during the early 1970s. The play is about a young university student, Lewis (Benjamin Schostakowski) who is asked to direct a play for a mental asylum. Lewis becomes more involved in the play than he expected when he begins to build relationships with the patients. He is burdened by the strong opinions and expectations his peers have on love and fidelity. Louis Nowra includes dramatic techniques such as setting, humour, meta-theatre and symbolism to engross the audience into th e world of Cosi while conveying certain themes. Two of many contrasting themes within Cosi are love and fidelity. According to Mozart’s Cosi Fan Tutte, the matter of fidelity is described to be a social standard that is never met. The notion of fidelity is touched upon regularly throughout ‘Cosi’. In particular, Act Two, Scene One, Lucy arrives at the institution to pick up Lewis, coincidently while Lewis has left the room. Lucy notices his script and begins to read it, finding it absurd that a man would ‘ruin [himself], for a worthless woman’, Lucy throws the script on the chair in disgust. This physical gesture re-establishes her viewpoint on the treatment of women. Lewis enters the room surprised to see Lucy there. At this point the actors are positioned centred stage away from any prop, this spatial relationship and clear view line draws the audiences focus to them. Moreover, Berthold has only allowed for Lucy and Lewis to be present on stage at this time. This choice of positioning creates an unembellished set, once again directing all attention to them. Lewis has let his newly established relationships with the patients influence his decision to not go with Lucy. As Lewis tells Lucy that he will be staying there and continuing with the production his replies become more to the point. Lewis’ unexpected firm tone contests Lucy’s strong, deep and borderline intimidating line delivery. This combined with their close proximity creates a rise in dramatic tension of relationship. As Lewis starts to question Lucy about nick, pointing out that she’s ‘seeing a lot of someone [she doesn’t] like’ he notices a change in her stance. The focus is directed towards Lucy as she changes her posture, putting her hands on her hips and avoiding eye contact. This change in body language suggests that Lucy is hiding something. Lewis and Lucy both pause and look at each other. This contrast in vocal level assists the audience to suspect a rise in dramatic tension. Given the previous example, Berthold was able to produce a scene of true suspense and tension through the use of different viewpoints and vocal delivery. The contrasting theme shown throughout Cosi is the theme of Love. For example, Act One, Scene Three, the musical is at risk of being shut down because Doug had set fire to the toilets. Justin, the man who organised for Lewis to be there was about to cancel the musical. As the dramatic tension begins to build, Justin threatens Doug saying that he’ll send him back to the closed ward. Cherry interrupts Justin, yelling that the fire was her fault. The director through use of Viewpoints has allowed Cherry to have a kinaesthetic response with her line. This is achieved by her child-like gesture of raising her hand as she spoke. With the given circumstances it was made clear that the fire was not Cherry’s fault. Love is the reason she lied. Her time with Lewis would no longer exist if the musical were cancelled. The relationships these characters have established with each other have affected the way they’ve made their decisions. For Example, Cherry has shown her love for Lewis by sharing her food with him and sending him love letters. This profound affection for Lewis caused her to take the blame for the fire. If Justin believed it was Doug he would’ve shut down the musical, meaning that Cherry wouldn’t be able to see Lewis again. Shortly after, Henry goes to speak up pointing out that Cherry is lying. Roy realises the delicacy of the situation, leading him to hit Henry, shutting him up. This is shown through Roy’s facial expressions and physical gestures. At this point Justin, Lewis, Doug and Cherry are all positioned Stage Left creating a circle-like formation. Berthold has placed them like this to direct the audiences’ concentration to one place rather than scatter the energy through the entire set. By manipulating the use of vocal delivery and positioning Berthold has been able to highlight the important aspects of this scene. The evidence previously given supports the fact that David Berthold has indeed created a thought provoking theatrical piece. Love and Fidelity are two contrasting themes shown throughout Cosi. The struggle and fight to hold onto the notion of fidelity is contrasted with their perception of love. These two distinct themes are why Cosi is seen as such an emotional and relevant play. Thus in summary, through Berthold’s manipulation of certain dramatic elements and viewpoints the delivery and message of Louis Nowra’s Cosi was more than exceptional.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Importance Of Child Welfare - 931 Words
In my opinion, child welfare is one of the most prevalent issues in social work today. Child welfare services were specifically designed to protect children from anything that could potentially harm them including: abuse, neglect, poverty and lack of resources among other things. No matter the circumstance, in child welfare the interest of the child is always the top priority. In certain situations, this could include removing the child from the home, but the preferred option is to help the family gain stability in order to care for the child. I believe child welfare might be one of the harder fields to be in, however I also feel it is one of the most important. If we as social workers, can guarantee children are growing up in the proper†¦show more content†¦I have never wanted a basic, routine career. I know there are challenges in this field that might not take place if I chose to work with the elderly, but I am looking forward to those challenges making me a better social worker. I believe going into child welfare will help sculpt me into the best social worker I can be, and I will continue learning every day if I am given this opportunity. I believe I possess a handful of qualities that would make me a successful child welfare worker. I am a very empathetic person naturally, and that can strongly benefit me when trying to understand what both the children and their caretakers might be going through. I am also a very active listener, which will help me establish trust with clients and open doors for me to be able to help them as much as possible. However, I know not every client is eager to open up and I think I am very good at understanding body language and cues that might tell me when the client is uncomfortable, or that I may have to read between the lines to get information. I also understand that the majority of my clients working in child welfare will not necessarily be excited to have someone from the Department of Child Service in their lif e, and they might not be amicable. I would like to believe I have rather thick skin, and will not be defeated by an unhappy or unfavorable client. Along those same lines, IShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Commitment For Recruiting And Retaining Child Welfare Workers Essay798 Words  | 4 Pagesemployees’ perspective, they commit to an organization in return for certain rewards that can be extrinsic (pay) or intrinsic (belonging, job satisfaction) (Meyer Allen, 1990). Barbee et al., (2009) studied commitment for recruiting and retaining child welfare workers. The commitment contained multiple dimensions of employee commitment. 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