Saturday, May 23, 2020
How Bronte Uses Setting to Reflect the Experiences of Her...
Explore how Bronte uses setting to reflect the experiences of her characters. Bronte describes every setting in Jane Eyre in a vast amount of detail, using a number of different language techniques, so as to portray the experiences of her characters, almost subconsciously, to the reader. As well as this, she conveys the moods of her characters using methods such as pathetic fallacy and symbolism, in order to express their emotions indirectly. Furthermore, Bronte uses all of these methods, in addition to a number of scenes containing juxtaposition, as well as the overall structure of her writing style, consistently throughout the book, following Jane through her life. And, transmitting her personal changes and experiences at†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, in order to portray Janes position mentally, Bronte emphasises the fact that Jane is trapped in the room with no escape route. Also, the room to Jane is especially horrible as it is the room where her uncle Mr Reed, breathed his last. Therefore, this reflects Janes own feelings that she is trapped inside a traumatic world that she does not want to exist in. It is also this world that Jane feels is suffocating her personality and rejecting her. It is also in Brontes setting of Lowood that Janes character is unfolded to us. It is here that Jane finds sanctuary in Miss Temple. To get to the secret hideaway of Miss Temples room she must travel through an intricate, dark mass of paths and corridors, so, when she reaches the room it is indeed like a temple, or an oasis of some sort. The comforting atmosphere inside reflectsShow MoreRelated Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre and Charles Dickens Great Expectations1873 Words  | 8 PagesCharlotte Brontes Jane Eyre and Charles DickensGreat Expectations Both Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontà «, and Great Expectations, written by Charles Dickens, have many Victorian similarities. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Servant Leadership - 3894 Words
Running Head: SERVANT LEADERSHIP Servant Leadership BUSI 502 – Servant Leadership Professor Kahlib Fischer Rachel Murray Liberty University October 9, 2010 Abstract In the process of interviewing a servant leader, this paper investigates the defining behavior of servant leadership from a practical and philosophical standpoint. There are practical behavioral characteristics that can be uniformly integrated into the business infrastructure that is founded upon Biblical principles yet not used as a pool to proselytize. Through research and group discussion boards, this paper analyzes the institutional applications and the interpersonal relationships†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ The belief that the process of honestly sharing critical challenges/problems with all parties and inviting their ideas and support is often more important than providing solutions. The first honors the potential of others to solve their own problems, whereas solutions from the outside can breed dependence and imply that good answers come from experts, others or above. †¢ Clear on goals and good at pointing the direction. †¢ Servant, helper, and teacher first, then leader. †¢ Takes time to think, rather than just reacting. †¢ Chooses words carefully, so as not to damage those being led. †¢ Uses intuition and foresight. †¢ Sees things whole, sensing relationships and connections, is a systems thinker (Hoyle, 2008). From the group Biblical Integration Paper, it was understood that servant-leadership is not only a gift of purpose that God places in the hearts of His people, but it is also a calling in one’s life to truly touch the lives of others in need. Living a successful life, as a servant-leader is not one that focuses on self-fulfillment, rather it is in seeking a fulfillment that comes from Christ when one pours him/herself out for the sake of others. It is through servant-leadership that one is able to bring hope into hopeless situations (Group Integration Paper,Show MoreRelatedThe Leadership Of Servant Leadership854 Words  | 4 PagesUnit 2 Journal The second unit ‘Leading by Serving’ discussed the topic of servant leadership. Through examples of people from past and present we learned who servant leaders are and what their qualities and characteristics are. We also learned about the importance of servant leaders in other people’s lives and that being a servant leader is a decision and has nothing to do with our position. In my life there has always been a group of people who I admired for having something what I described toRead MoreServant Leadership Characteristics Of A Servant Leader881 Words  | 4 Pagesthe broadest sense, a servant leader is one who leads others with the mindset of a servant. The primary motivation of a servant leader is to provide encouragement and facilitation in others by treating them as an ends in themselves rather than as a means to an ends. A servant leader values the people he or she leads by sharing power and enabling others to develop and flourish (Waterman, 2011). Waterman’s (2011) study found the following: The expression of servant leadership characteristics in serviceRead MoreServant Leadership Essay850 Words  | 4 PagesServant Leadership Human Resource Management, Spring 2010 Introduction In the first major paper on stakeholder theory, Edward Freeman and David Reed state that a stakeholder is Any identifiable group or individual on which the organization is dependent for its continued survival. (Freeman and Reed 89) Given that these groups input are all vital part of an organizations success, creating solutions that benefit all stakeholders is important for long term success. 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In an effort to understand how Servant Leadership is different from other styles of leadership, this research paper will seek to define Servant Leadership and provide useful examples of companies that currently operate under this style of leadership and will seek to answer the questions: â€Å"Is it profitable to do so?†and â€Å"Are the customers more satisfied?†Background In Biblical times, Jesus Christ modeled servant leadership for his disciplesRead MoreServant Leadership : The Servant848 Words  | 4 PagesServant Leadership Paper: (5%) After reading the book â€Å"The Servant†complete a 2-3 page paper on how: 1. How Servant Leadership applies to Nursing 2. How would you use Servant Leadership in your nursing practice 3. How does Servant Leadership apply to a nursing theorist you are familiar with Servant Leadership describes its leaders as those who are able to achieve results for their organization simple by serving the individual team members first and making sure their needs a priority. In thisRead MoreServant Leadership : Nursing Practice936 Words  | 4 PagesServant Leadership in Nursing Practice The concept of servant leadership has been in practice long before Greenleaf coined the term in the seventies (Spears, 2010). Servant leadership in its most simplistic form is defined as, â€Å"serving others before serving ourselves†(Davenport, 2015, p. 301). The characteristics of servant leadership have been developed to aid in today’s leadership roles in regards to nursing practice. The author will discuss three characteristics- listening, awareness, and commitmentRead MoreThe Art And Characteristics Of Servant Leadership1327 Words  | 6 PagesServant leadership is an art. It’s a model of ethical management, and approaches ethical leadership and decision making based on the moral principle of serving others first (Carroll Buchholtz, 2012, p. 234). This concept came about from the works of Robert E. Greenleaf. He retired from ATT after 38 years, and then he founded the â€Å"Center of Applied Ethics†which was later named the â€Å"Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership. (Carroll Buchholtz, 2012, p. 234). Robert Greenleaf ‘s teachings revolved
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What do we learn about the society of Messina in the play ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ Free Essays
We define society as somewhere where we live, our surroundings, something in which we live, or as the oxford dictionary would say A group of humans broadly distinguished from other groups by mutual interests, participation in characteristic relationships, shared institutions, and a common culture. There are many things that play a part in our society, such as education and leisure pursuits, and this is no different to the Elizabethan times and Messina. Messina is the town in which the play ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ is set. We will write a custom essay sample on What do we learn about the society of Messina in the play ‘Much Ado About Nothing’? or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are many different points in the play that tell us of the many different parts of society in Messina and what the town is like as a whole. However it strikes me as rather odd as to why Shakespeare set this play in a town many people at the time would not have known about. He could have just as easily set it in the hustle and bustle of London, but instead chose Messina. For one Shakespeare chose Messina because of the ease he could use ‘noting’. He could include it in his play and the audience would know it suited Messina, this is because like London, Messina is a very busy town, and in towns like that news spreads fast, another reason is that because many in Messina are not as well off as others, people will want to know things that they can use against others, a way of getting money, and a very quick way. Other reason why Shakespeare has chosen Messina is that some because they suit the play better, and some because they suit him better. Firstly, Messina is a very hurly burly seaport town, which was in turn a lot like London, however Shakespeare would have also chose it because he could have created humour easier. He could mock the public figures, and the royalty, and even mock the Spanish for losing to England (Messina was part of the Spanish empire, and not too long before had the English defeated the Spanish – the Spanish Armada) without fear of anything, whereas if he would have done this in England he could have been put up for treason. Despite him setting the play in Messina, which is a fairly unknown place to most of the audience, he still gets the audience to associate with certain characters in the play. The most noticeable character in the play, and the one most Elizabethans could have associated with would have been the two watches, Dogberry and Verges. This would have been because watches like these two would have also been around in London, but not quite so idiotic. All of these reasons are very important in the play and the image of the society of Messina we receive from the play. Noting is all the way through the play however it is in some cases purposely done, the most obvious is when Don Pedro, Leonato and Caudio are playing a trick on Benedick into thinking that Beatrice loves him â€Å"O ay, stalk on, stalk on, the fowl site – I never think that lady would have loved any man†Act 2 Scene 5 Line 89-90 (The conversion continues from line 86to line 206) Employment is a major contributing factor to any town’s society. In Messina I get the feeling most are employed on the port, something in which the town was famous for. I have also picked up the idea that most in the town are working class, however the main characters in the play tend to be higher class. Leonato is the governor of Messina, however he is the not the highest ranked person in the play. Leonato is a wealthy man, with one daughter, Hero. I get the idea he is the wealthiest person in Messina, with Antonio close behind. However, when Don Pedro, Don John and Claudio enter they give us a different insight into employment in Messina. I feel that no one in Messina is actually involved in war, as these three are congratulated when they arrive home. Thus showing that it was rare to have people in Messina fighting in Battle. Don Pedro is royalty, and is also a very wealthy man. He has received all his money from inheritance and has only ever worked with the army, fighting in battles. Dogberry is a typical working class man, and I ame shown this as he is in the job of watch at Leonato’s castle. A very poorly paid, boring job that anyone can easily qualify for. As we know many Messinians do not appear to be tied down with work, and have a very active social life. They often like to dance and sing, which is a very often occurrence in the Elizabethan days. I find out about a masked ball that many of the town members go to, and it appears that they are all happily enjoying the event. This seems like it is a regular occurrence in the town that everyone happily enjoys. It is also an excellent place for ‘noting’ to go on. It is also a very important part in the play as this is where most noting can go on, but the twit is that no one knows who each other is, it creates the theme of illusion and deception as we find out when Beatrice is talking to a ‘masked chum’ but we all know the it is really Benedick. Why, he is the Prince’s Jester, a very dull fool; onlhis gift is devising impossible slanders. None but libertines delight in him, and the commendation is not in his wit, but in his villainy; for he both pleases men and angers them, and then they laugh at him and beat him. I am sure he is in the fleet; I would he had boarded me†Act 2 Scene 1 Line 120-126 (The conversation carries on from line 120 to 1 37) The behaviour of people on the town seems to be on the whole very good. However that is the first impression, we actually see how Messina is quite corrupt with many sneaky villains. Firstly though I feel that the Messinians treat outsiders very well, especially royalty, as we see from the greeting Don Pedro, Don John and Claudio receive. â€Å"Never came trouble to my house in the likeness of your grace. For trouble being gone, comfornt should remain, but when you depart from me, sorrow abides and happiness takes his leave†Act 1 Scene 1 Line 86-89 Leonato pays the royalty much respect and shows them utmost formality. The Messinians make everything go up in standard, and this shows signs of them going out of their way to the arrival of the royalty. Also the introduction to everyone in Act 1 Scene 1 is very long, it goes on from lines 83 to 141 until everyone is introduced to each other. However there is a much more corrupt side to the town of Messina, as we find out later in the play, anyone will be two faced and betray people if it involves a little money. The evil on comes into the play when Don John arrives as he is the main villain in the play, and we find out how he is the brains behind most of the plots, but never wishes to get his hands dirty. â€Å"Therefore I have earned of Don John a thousand ducats†Act 3 Scene 3 Line 105-6 This shows us how Don John is happy to give money away as it gets the evil deed done but also leaves him out of the equation when someone is receiving the blame. Men and women both play major roles in this play, however are treated very differently. Men are obviously the superior gender in this play, which is very normal for the time this play was performed. The man they are either married to or a father and they literally own the women. When the wedding day comes along they father of the daughter will pass her to the husband to now ‘look after’. â€Å"Give me this maid your daughter? Act 4 Scene 1 Line 23 â€Å"As freely son as God did give her me†Act 4 Scene 1 Line 24 Claudio speaks of Hero as if Leonato owns her, and then Leonato is confirming that the ownership of Hero is changing from himself to Claudio. They also seem to have other attitude towards love and marriage. They seem to abide by arranged marriages, however some obviously don’t. Most of the younger characters in the play are single, however are chasing love but just cannot find it. If they are married they have to be very similar, as in from the same background, with the same upbringing. They also deem it very important for a woman to be unchased before her wedding day, as this is the best thing a father can offer. I can tell this as when Leonato finds out hero is ‘unchased’ then the bursts into a fit of rage â€Å"Wherefore? Why, doth not every earthly thing, Cry shame upon her? Could she here deny, Do not live Hero, do not open thine eyes†Act 4 Scene 1 Line 118 – 120) (This enragement carries on from line 118 to 141) The social status also gives us an excellent insight to the society of Messina. Someone like Benedick or Don Pedro, both very clever, typically shows us someone from the upper class. They both have a good education, very well spoken and also very witty. â€Å"Then is courtesy a turncoat. But it is certain I am loved of all ladies, only you excepted, and I would I could not find in my heart that I had a hard heart, for truly I love none. †Act 1 Scene 1 Lines 109-112 This shows how witty and quick-fired Benedick is when speaking with Beatrice from lines 109 to 130 in Act 1 Scene 1 of the play. However the lower and working class is a completely different story. The character from which we receive most information about the working class is Dogberry, for one his name is very well chosen as Dogberry meant Dog Rose, this is a very common rose, and is purposely chosen to suit his class in the play. However we also learn about his class through his lines in the play. â€Å"Your are thought here to be the most senseless and fit man for the constable of watch†¦ †Act 3 Scene 3 Line 21-23 We can see form his spoken language he is also very common, he tries to be witty in the play, but is always making mistakes, by saying the wrong word, like in this extract where he says â€Å"senseless†instead of sensible. This is a very effective way of creating humour but also an effective way in showing us to the social background of this character. â€Å"She’s but the sign of semblance of her honour Behold how like a maid she blushes here! †Act 4 Scene 1 Lines 31-32 This is the part in which we find out Hero is not a Virgin. Claudio describes the blushes of guilt and nothing to do with her modesty. However Leonato does not follow, and misunderstands what Claudio has said to him. â€Å"Dear my lord, if you not in your own proof Have vanquished the resistance of her youth, And made defeat of her virginity-†Act 4 Scene 1 Lines 44-46 He only thinks Claudio is confessing that they have had sex, and not Hero with another man. Upon this misunderstanding Claudio has to explain himself once more, and then Leonato realises what he is saying. Instead of jumping to the rescue of his daughter, he chooses to disown her, by slapping her and yelling at her on her wedding day. Proving to the audience how chastity of your daughter was a very important thing in Messina. To conclude, I feel we learn a lot about the society of Messina in this play. However Shakespeare does not put it straight in front of you, he hides it behind his writing, and the characters lines. We learn of all the different social statuses in Messina and also the superiority of the male gender. I feel the most striking thing about Messina though, is how corrupt it is. You get the impression that it is a very friendly, peaceful town, however as we delve further into the play we find out the truth. The audience watching this would have been able to recognise many people and parts in this play, because it is so much like Elizabethan England at the time this was performed. Many families suffered from the divide on employment and social status, and many families also saw the chastity of their daughter the most important thing a father could offer, however the thing they would most be able to associate with would have been Dogberry and Verges. The watches would have been a very strong figure in England, and would be instantly recognisable from the moment they stepped on stage and one that would be guaranteed to raise a lot of laughs in the crowd. How to cite What do we learn about the society of Messina in the play ‘Much Ado About Nothing’?, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Meat Eaters vs Vegetarians free essay sample
Meats have more flavors than vegetables; this is because meats contains juices and are cook with different spices that have strong flavors. Some of these flavors are parsley, basil, garlic, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce etc. We are not telling that vegetarians don’t eat flavored food but the reality is that meat has lots of more flavors. In terms of taste, it depends on each people for example; vegetarians will say that their food taste better and the same with the meat eaters. But we look for information from the experts and Dr. Robert Madda in his internet page title â€Å"Meat Vegetables on the HCG Diet†certifies that our statement it’s true, meat has more flavors and taste better. The vegetarians eat healthier because of meat having saturated fat and high cholesterol. Meat eaters have more risk of having diseases and health problems such as heart attack or stroke from the vegetarians. Some studies show that vegetarians have less opportunities of having cancer. Meat can stay in your body up to 7 years and vegetable can be easy eliminated from the body. Some vegetarians are vegetarians because they are animal activist. Animal activist are those people that have compassion and want to end the mistreating and the cruelty of the animals. Some meats are not healthy because some suppliers inject chemicals and preservative so it could last longer. Vegetarians also have some health risk because chicken and fish have many different bacteria. Some studies tell that they have more bacteria than a toilet. Salmonella is a popular bacterium that you can find in chicken and fish. Salmonella is a bacterium that attacks intestine and blood stream. Some examples of its effects are diarrhea, fever and give you intense pain. Salmonella is not a deadly disease but you will feel like if you where going to die due to the huge pain. When it comes to food there is going to be always some problem because a bacterium, cholesterol, fats etc. As known meat eaters and vegetarians have typical foods. Meat eaters like every type of meat here are some example of different types of meats; steaks, cheeseburger, t-bone, fried steak, ham, pork, bacon, ribs, prime rib, lamb, veal etc. Meat eater usually like to have nest to the meat as a side order mash potatoes, baked potatoes, rice and beans, pasta and some times vegetables and salad. Our favorite plate would be a nice steak with baked potatoes, specifically a filet mignon there is nothing better. Vegetarian people also eat great food for example; they eat fish like red snapper, maji maji, grouper, tilapia, salmon etc. Also they eat chicken, salads and vegetables; for the vegetarian people a familiar plate that they eat is baked chicken with caesar salad. This vegetarian diet is very strict a difficult to follow. Recently vegetarian population is growing, a few years ago only 3. 2% of the population was on the vegetarian diet. Today according to vegetariantimes. om 10% of the American populations are vegetarian. But a study show that 5. 2 % of the population are interested in the vegetarian diet. A 59% of the vegetarian populations are woman and the average age of vegetarian people is 30. In the other side meat eaters are better known as carnivore. Carnivore is the same as meat eaters and this term is also used in animals. For example we can say that the lion is a carnivore animal. This means that when you are carnivore you depend mainly of the meat diet. Meat eaters also have can find diseases in the food. High blood pressure, diabetes, obesity etc. re some examples of diseases. We as carnivores recommend to all the others meat eaters that these diseases are not a joke and they should do go to the doctor at least twice in a year. But a the same time eating meat give you high quality proteins an it also require all the amino acid that your body needs. Meat contains high iron compare to plant and vegetable. It’s recommended to eat meat but in moderated quantities, also you should avoid eating bacon and salami because they are very high in fats. In conclusion meat eaters and vegetarians are extremely different. We can say that they taste different and have different flavor. The meat is the tastiest but the vegetarians are healthier. We are meat eaters because our island is full with flavors and we love to eat great food with great flavor. As meat eaters we respect the entire vegetarian community and we understand the reason of being one. At the same time we think that everyone needs to have at least a minor portion of meat because all the proteins and the iron that you will not find in a vegetarian plate. For us there is nothing like a huge plate of meat after work or after doing sport to recharge all the batteries. References Benefits Of Eating Meat. (n. d. ). Sikh Philosophy Network. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://www. sikhphilosophy. net/sikh-youth/14321-benefits-of-eating-meat. html Meat Eaters Vs. Vegetarians | Healthmad. (n. d. ). Healthmad. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://healthmad. com/health/meat-eaters-vs-vegetarians/ Smith, B. (n. d. ). What Is Salmonella And What Are Its Effects? | InjuryBoard Atlanta. Injury Board Atlanta | Georgia Personal Injury Attorney. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://atlanta. injuryboard. om/defective-and-dangerous-products/what-is-salmonella-and-what-are-its-effects. aspx? googleid=212314 What is the Difference Between Meat Eaters VS Vegetarians? | Health Related Articles. (n. d. ). Health Related Articles | Everything you want to know about your Health. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://www. healthforworld. com/what-is-the-difference-between-meat-eaters-vs-vegetarians life. , t. w. (n. d. ). Vegetarian vs Meat eaters Vegetariani sm In America . Vegetarian Times Great Food, Good Health, Smart Living. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://www. vegetariantimes. com/features
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